
Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday. Five.

Even though I stay at home now, I still get pretty excited for Fridays, because it means Ken will be home for the following two days, and we can hang out as a family.  I'm especially looking forward to this weekend because we have no plans other than a pool party with friends.  It will be a good one!

Before I dive in too deeply to the weekend ahead of me, here are five things that made me smile this past week.

1.)  I made this cake for my friends' son's first birthday party.  It's one of my all-time favorite cakes I've ever made.  And, bonus for us- making cakes always results in cake scraps, and cake scraps always equal cake balls in our house.  So, we've been snacking on those all week.

 2.  I've really been having a good time with MK this summer, going to play at playgrounds and hanging out in our back yard.  Kids are so easy to please.  Just a hose and some room to run around will keep them completely happy. 

^^Baby bump photo bomb in the background up here^^
3.)  MK and I hit up an amazing consignment sale yesterday and I got some really cute fall clothes for her, and a few pieces for the baby.  I let her out of the stroller for a little bit, and immediately regretted it when she refused to get out of this toy car for about twenty minutes.  I almost bought it, but thankfully, she got distracted by a dollhouse and eventually climbed out.
By the way, I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I get the cutest clothes and best deals from shopping consignment sales.  It's almost like sport to me.  I can't get enough of it.  I'm a tiny bit bummed that many fall sales are happening so close to my delivery date with baby #2.  I think I'll be missing out on a lot of good stuff!
4.)  I had my 37 week check-up on Wednesday, and baby is still sounding good and moving a ton.  My doctor actually made me cry at this appointment.  I love my doctor.  She was telling me how impressed she is by my healthy weight gain, good blood pressure, lack of swelling, and overall excellent health this pregnancy.  She said I'm doing much better than most of the women she sees.  I can't express how much these words meant to me, since I was completely lazy and gained so much weight last time.  It's nice to hear that my efforts are paying off, and that baby and I are benefitting from my good choices.
And, here's a picture from yesterday morning of my baby being all weird, and hanging out on my left side.
5.)  Baby will be here in TWELVE days or less!!!  I can't contain my excitement for it.  I have been having some moderate contractions a handful of times each day, but nothing that makes me think active labor is starting.  I'm okay with following through with a repeat C-section, but it would be exciting if I got to experience going on my own.  Only time will tell!
Happy Friday!  Have a good weekend, everyone!!
Linking up!

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1 comment:

  1. Hi, following now from High Five for Friday link up :)
    I love that little toy car and for a while was on a crazy search for one, however all the second hand ones were still a bit ridiculous price wise. I'm a huge lover of consignment sales :) We have two pretty good ones coming up in the next couple weeks, I've been selling off as much as I can around the house in exchange for some case to spend at the sales lol
    Hope you guys had a great weekend!
