
Monday, June 16, 2014

Weekend Re-Cap: A Hurling Good Father's Day

I know I'm not the only person out there saying this, but the weekends- especially summer weekends- just go by too fast.  This one was no different.
I feel like my weekend actually started on Thursday evening when a friend texted me to see if I could meet her for drinks (well, she drank and I ate some dang good loaded fries) and to have girl talk.  We stayed out way too late, but it was good for the soul to be out with a girlfriend chatting about life.
On Friday morning, MK came with me to the gym to play in the babysitting room while I did some light cardio and weight lifting.  After that, we walked across the plaza to Bread Co. for a bagel and fruit cup.  She does so well out in public spaces.  I'm always so proud of her, and I pray that the next kid is this good!
Friday evenings are usually spent watching TV and eating a $5 Hot n' Ready from Little Caesar's, but I decided to mix it up a little bit and I made homemade meatball subs instead.  They were really good, and it was nice to save a little money, even if it was just $5. 
Saturday was a bit of a busy day.  The whole family got up and out the door to make it to Ken's hurling match** at 10am.  It was an absolutely gorgeous day outside, and MK enjoyed running like crazy around a park.  After that, we headed over to my in-laws' house to have an early Father's Day lunch with my father-in-law, where we ate way too much, but it was worth every calorie.
In the early evening, we headed back home and Ken went to a diaper party for a friend, and two of my best girlfriends came over, one of whom brought her 2-year-old son.  He and MK went nuts playing, running, eating pizza, and watching Frozen.  It was adorable to see them play so well together.  I love that she has so many little friends.
On Sunday morning, I got up with MK and we headed to get some donuts for Father's Day, which was the one single thing Ken requested for the day.  Since my dad's not with us anymore, I wanted to go to his favorite donut place, The Donut Drive-In (it's seriously the best), but when we pulled up, the line was out the door and wrapped around the building. I was not about to mess with that with a toddler in tow.  We opted for the grocery store's bakery instead, which is not the same, but Ken did not mind.  We had lunch with my family at my brother's house, followed by collective nap time back at our house.  Ken and I were so full from breakfast and lunch that we skipped dinner, but fed MK a little something, and went to get frozen custard at Ted Drewes. 
It was everything a weekend should be, filled with food, friends, and family.  I'm looking forward to a lot of things happening this week, including the fact that Ken is only working three days this week, and then we'll begin his birthday celebrations!
**Okay, so the hurling thing... Ken plays in a Gaelic Athletic League, and hurling is a traditional Irish sport.  It's kind of like lacrosse, kind of like field hockey.  Basically, it's a bunch of guys chasing each other with sticks and then drinking beer at the end of each game.  He loves it!

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