
Monday, June 30, 2014

Weekend Recap- Good Times, Good Friends

Another great weekend has come and gone, leaving me with a full heart and an exhausted body.

On Friday morning, MK and I hit up Soulard Farmer's Market with my future sister-in-law.  This Farmer's Market is absolutely one of my favorite spots in town.  You can't go wrong with fresh produce and supporting small businesses. 

After that, we took a quick side trip over to Gus' Pretzels because we love them, and I drove my FSIL down Floral Row to show her where the wholesale florists are in town in case she wants to do her own wedding flowers.

Friday night was nothing special, but those can be my favorite nights.  After putting MK to bed, Ken and I set up camp on the couch with Netflix and ice cream, which has turned into a nearly sacred ritual in the almost six years we've been married. 

On Saturday, I took MK and our beagle, Scout, on a short 2-mile walk on the trail by our house.  I'm so thankful to live this close to a safe and friendly trail.  I use it all the time.

After that, I may or may not have treated myself to an iced coffee, and somehow a sprinkle donut hopped into my car with it.

Later in the evening, Ken indulged me in my serious craving for Steak N' Shake before heading over to a pool party.  Lately, I will do just about anything to mooch a pool date out of people.  MK is absolutely fearless when it comes to the water, and I could not love that more.  I used to teach swimming lessons and coach high school swimming, so I clearly love to be in the water with her.  It came as no surprise to me that she spent most of the time jumping off the side of the pool, and even insisted on going down the slide a few times.  She's so brave, and I love it.  Thank goodness for puddle jumpers, or she might not be this brave!

On Sunday, we met up with some good friends to take our kids to the Missouri Botanical Garden to walk around and see their Lego Exhibit.  It was the perfect way to spend a Sunday, and we even got some of the best pictures ever of the kids with one of the St. Louis 250th Birthday Cakes.

Seriously, how cute are these kids?  Adorable.

After we got home on Sunday, we all pretty much crashed for a few hours before we decided we should probably feed ourselves, so we made a super simple dinner, and hung out until it was MK's bedtime.  We fired back up the Netflix after that for a little Orange is the New Black, and hit the hay around 10:30.  

I hope everyone else had a great weekend!  This week has already gotten off to a great start.  I'm looking forward to a short work week for Ken and a family road trip!

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